Decided that it might be a good idea to (attempt) to keep a blog of what we've been up to, for those of you who actually want to keep track of where we are/if we are still alive. Not sure how easy it will be to update when we are actually on the move throughout baron areas of Asia, but ho-hum.
So, with the hours counting down, I'm all packed, all checked-in and ready to go. What you see here, is what I will be living out of for the next four months... game on.
Nerves are starting to kick in, I've said most of my goodbyes, had The Last Supper with the family, just got to make the final preparations and checks tomorrow morning, and I'll be ready to fly at 22.05. I'm going to miss a lot about home, but I know that compared to South East Asia, home sucks, so the excitement is killing me!