Saturday, 2 April 2011

Half Way at Ho Chi Minh

Today we have been travelling for sixty days.  This means that we are exactly half way through our adventure across South East Asia.  We have been talking a lot about the amazing experiences we've had so far, the people we have met, and the awesome things that are yet to happen.  I think it's safe to say that we are just as excited now as when we left home!

Now, to the point, today is very special for another reason.  We have two new members to our team, who will help us travel North through Vietnam.  I'd like to introduce you all to... the Hondas!

James' Badass Bike
Louis' Badass Bike
Tomorrow, we plan to leave Ho Chi Minh City, where we have been staying for the last couple of nights, and head towards the Mekong Delta, which is renowned for it natural beauty.  It is so exciting to know that for the next three weeks, we can go wherever we like, at our own pace.  We have a map, we have bungee cords, we have petrol,  we are ready to go!  Wish us luck, we will keep you posted!

This is James here. Thought I'd input as Louis has been doing all the hard work on this blog and I'm getting credit for it without doing anything. So here goes...

We have been away exactly sixty days out of one hundred and twenty and there have been many culture shocks during that time. I think today has been one of the scariest days personally, as we haven't exactly ever driven proper motorbikes before and yet we are now proud owners of two beautiful(ish), powerful(ish), motorcycles. And we plan to drive them in the busiest city in most of the world. However, we have come this far and we are still alive, so we can't be doing everything wrong, so these next few weeks are going to be pretty exciting as I think Louis will agree.

Next stop, Hanoi!

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